Pre-Hospital EMS

The Backus Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of EMS provides medical authorization, oversight and continuing education for area pre-hospital providers.

The Division additionally functions to support EMS providers in their roles and to improve the transition of care between prehospital and in-hospital providers.

For EMS-related issues/questions pertaining to Backus Hospital, please contact EMS Coordinator Jeffrey Way at 860.885.6413 or

CME Offerings | ProtocolsPoliciesCommunicationsAgencies | Our Team

Continuing EMS Education Offerings

Our monthly EMS Evening Continuing Education is scheduled from 1900-2100 (pizza at 1830) on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

See also:


Backus Hospital sponsored EMS providers are to adhere to the Connecticut Statewide EMS Protocols.  These may be found by visiting the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Office of EMS website



Below are memos the Division of EMS has issued to provide clinical guidance/direction, address procedural questions or other issues. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Additionally, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services (CT-DPH OEMS) periodically issues communications directed at EMS providers. These may be found by visiting the CT-DPH OEMS Communications Page.

Sponsored EMS Agencies

The following EMS agencies are sponsored by MidState Medical Center's Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of EMS:


Basic Life Support

Primary and Supplemental First Responders

Our Team

Kyle McClaine, MD

Emergency Department and EMS Medical Director

Dr. McClaine attended medical school at the State University of New York and completed his emergency medicine residency through Brown University at Rhode Island Hospital. He has been an attending emergency medicine physician at Backus Hospital since 2003 and has been EMS Medical Director since 2004. In 2018, Dr. McClaine became the Chief of Emergency Services at Backus Hospital.

Dr. McClaine represents Connecticut region 4 at the Connecticut EMS Medical Advisory Board and serves as Co-Chair of the Connecticut EMS Medical Advisory Committee and protocol subcommittee. Dr. McClaine is also the chairperson for the region 4 Medical Advisory Committee.

He has been an instrumental part of the development of Connecticut’s statewide EMS protocols and their continued advancement. Dr. McClaine is the 2012 recipient of the Mark E. Quigley Award, given to a physician who is a driving force in Connecticut emergency medical services

Jeffrey Way, NRP, EMS-I

EMS Coordinator

Jeffrey started his EMS career as an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) in 1999. Progressing as an EMT and EMT – I, Jeffrey became licensed as a paramedic in 2003, serving in a variety of commercial and volunteer settings. Jeffrey also holds a degree in Paramedicine from Eastern Kentucky University. In addition to his role as EMS Coordinator, Jeffrey still works as an active paramedic in the region, and also maintains his EMS – Instructor certification. Jeffrey’s role at Backus Hospital and their satellite facility, the Plainfield – Backus Emergency Center, includes several quality initiatives both pre-hospital and throughout the continuity of care.

Emergency Care